الاثنين، 13 أبريل 2009


Organization Development and its Effect on the Efficiency

of Performance in the Organization

Change in each aspect of life is the character of the present. This in turn requires that the various agencies should respond to such changes in a well planned and organized manner, exemplified in the organization's developments that help in solving its problems and meeting with the pressures and hard challenges that faces it, and hence improve the efficiency of its performance.

The study presents a scientific frame for organized development; clarifies the problems limiting the efficacy of the services offered by the Municipality of Jeddah and shows the effects organized development would have on solving these problems and raising the level of services offered to the public.

The work covers both theoretical and field studies. The theoretical study dealt with the concept of organizational development; its form, goals, methods, the ranges it covers; the positive limits upon which its success depends; the man-power and its role in affecting its formation; the means it presents as effective solutions to problems facing the organization; the stages that such developments pass through within the organization and an evaluation of its performance as a final goal.

The field study was targeted at isolating the main problems that face the Municipality of Jeddah, and limiting its performance effectively and finding what organizational development could do in raising the level and quality of services. A questionnaire was thus designed and distributed among 300 members. In the analyses of the data the investigator based her analyses on frequency distribution, percent appearance and chi square test “X2”.

The results tended to support the positive effects on the performances of the employees and the level of services they offer; the effectiveness of supervision as a result of administrative centralization and the formation of an organization framework in which job and employee suitability is emphasized. This prevented job overlap and strengthened the ties between the various administration branches and the supervisors. In addition it was noted that there appears to be a general lack in the availability of high qualification and experience in personnel occupying positions of leadership due to poor job classifications and the absence of on job training.

The absence of specialized administration results in the use of hour-based employees with little or no experience. The study concluded with a number of recommendations to strengthen the gains from applying the concept of organizational development and hence strengthening the Municipality's effectiveness. A complex of buildings is suggested for the Municipality, designed with up-to-date specifications. In addition the organizational framework is to be updated from time to time together with the development of a center for training hour-based-employees and offering them paid study leaves for purposes of training and development.

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